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<h1> </h1>
<h1>On the digital campus</h1>
== Robbie McClintock ==
* [User:Robbie/rmcc_narrative_bio_2pp|my narrative bio]]
* [ my full cv]
* [ my writings]

<h3>Master list of my writings</h3>  
* [ 1939 my birth certificate.pdf]
* [ 1960 from undergraduate journal.pdf]
<p>I'm Robbie McClintock, a retired professor working to further <i>the digital campus</i>, an important emergent transformation in higher education. Perceiving dispersed parts of it, we form many partial views, diffusing its importance and novelty. Let's seek clarity about what the digital campus does, how it works, who it serves, where it flourishes, and why it is important.</i>
* [ 1961 princeton undergraduate transcript.pdf]
* [ 1961 senior thesis princeton.pdf]
<p>As an emerging actuality, the digital campus has many instances, each a large, historical undertaking taking place through continuous metamorphosis. It has no mastermind, no genial inventor; the digital campus appears as an encompassing infrastructure within which the character, spectrum, and limit of a person's educational agency takes place. I want to help make more fully evident the change in pedagogical possibility arising through the digital campus.</p>
* [ 1962 draft ma thesis.pdf]
* [ 1963 ma thesis unesco.pdf]
<p>Many different participant-observers will contribute distinctive interpretations of these emerging developments. My personal experience and developed intellectual skills enable me to illuminate the advent of the digital campus, attuned to the historical implications of it for educational experience. I believe these historical implications are important and want to further their development in theory and practice as fully as I can.</p>
* [ 1963 review mad man.pdf]
* [ 1964 brazun trilling paper.pdf]
<p>I was born in 1939 in New York City. In retrospect, much of life seems to have moved quickly. Through childhood and youth, I shuffled for periods, long and short, back and forth, between a small farm in eastern Pennsylvania and the Upper East Side of New York City, throughout benefiting from formal education in elite schools—Buckley, Deerfield, Princeton (BA '61), and Columbia (PhD '68). I came of age came fast, as well, owing to a job market then so different from now. In 1965, I became an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins, and in 1967, I joined the faculty at Columbia. Then I completed my PhD in 1968.</p>
* [ 1964 columbia masters transcript.pdf]
* [ 1964 humanistic pedagogy.pdf]
<p>Substantively, by the start of my 30s, I had published extensively and launched a budding career as a public intellectual. I had read my way through Princeton, sparked by the work of the Spanish thinker, José Ortega y Gasset, an interest that developed into my dissertation and then into a large, well-received first book, <i>Man and His Circumstances: Ortega as Educator</i>, published in 1971. I interpreted Ortega as a many-sided educator, first aiming at the renovation of Spanish public life and then seeking  Jacques Barzun, co-sponsor of the dissertation, observed that the work had a prophetic tone, not as a criticism to be corrected but as a caution to be wary for the vision in it would not come easily.with Lawrence engaged in the free-wheeling study of political and educational thinking from Rousseau forward and an exploration of how modes of communication and material life affected personal and collective self-formation.
* [ 1964 review other schools.pdf]
* [ 1964 social pedagogy.pdf]
* [ 1966 machines and vitalists clearscan.pdf]
* [ 1966 machines and vitalists.pdf]
* [ 1968 architecture pedagogy intro.pdf]
* [ 1968 architecturepedagogy intro.pdf]
* [ 1968 barnard school architecture book.pdf]
* [ 1968 columbia teachers colllege phd transcript.pdf]
* [ 1968 cosmopolitanism proposal.pdf]
* [ 1968 maquinas y vitalistas.pdf]
* [ 1968 nettleship plato education.pdf]
* [ 1968 prospectus power pedagogy.pdf]
* [ 1968 purposes robert oliver.pdf]
* [ 1969 end of an order mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 1969 offering summer muse.pdf]
* [ 1969 ortega el estilista.pdf]
* [ 1969 ortega the stylist.pdf]
* [ 1969 review spanish press.pdf]
* [ 1970 ortega rediscovered.pdf]
* [ 1970 review science federal patron.pdf]
* [ 1970 to cremin german summer.pdf]
* [ 1971 degredation academic dogma.pdf]
* [ 1971 fall rise europe.pdf]
* [ 1971 liberality liberal arts.pdf]
* [ 1971 man circumstances all.pdf]
* [ 1971 man circumstances notes.pdf]
* [ 1971 man circumstances pt1.pdf]
* [ 1971 man circumstances pt2.pdf]
* [ 1971 ortega y gasset.pdf]
* [ 1971 patterns popularization.pdf]
* [ 1971 place for study.pdf]
* [ 1971 review design with nature.pdf]
* [ 1972 ortega reconsiderations.pdf]
* [ 1972 review beyond anarchy.pdf]
* [ 1972 review humanization of science.pdf]
* [ 1972 review vico symposium.pdf]
* [ 1973 imagination in history.pdf]
* [ 1973 permanent education.pdf]
* [ 1973 universal voluntary study.pdf]
* [ 1973 usable past.pdf]
* [ 1974 diderot.pdf]
* [ 1974 pestalozzi.pdf]
* [ 1974 review toffler and futurologists.pdf]
* [ 1974 rousseaudilemmaauthority 1.pdf]
* [ 1974 rousseaudilemmaauthority.pdf]
* [ 1975 college relations discussion.pdf]
* [ 1975 college relations report.pdf]
* [ 1975 to noah german higher ed.pdf]
* [ 1975 to suppes man judgment.pdf]
* [ 1975 uber horace mann.pdf]
* [ 1975 vital judgment.pdf]
* [ 1976 civic interest hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 enkyklios paideia.pdf]
* [ 1976 executive as educator hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 humane learning hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 initiatives in education hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 network for ideas hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 problems to predicaments hew.pdf]
* [ 1976 to mathews bureaucracy hew.pdf]
* [ 1977 3 proposals re tc budget.pdf]
* [ 1977 citizen and subject.pdf]
* [ 1977 imperative of judgment.pdf]
* [ 1977 man judgment prospectus.pdf]
* [ 1977 phil soc sci report.pdf]
* [ 1977 thinking about budget.pdf]
* [ 1978 defense of ideas.pdf]
* [ 1979 dynamics decline cropped.pdf]
* [ 1979 dynamics decline education.pdf]
* [ 1979 review riche education culture.pdf]
* [ 1980 citizens and subjects 1.pdf]
* [ 1980 citizens and subjects 2 3.pdf]
* [ 1980 full conventional.pdf]
* [ 1980 full unconventional mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 1980 ortega quixote europe.pdf]
* [ 1980 review education social thought.pdf]
* [ 1980 rousseau american scholarship.pdf]
* [ 1980 to cremin generator.pdf]
* [ 1981 education and hegel.pdf]
* [ 1981 on spanning.pdf]
* [ 1983 emilia going to city.pdf]
* [ 1983 ought is to is ought.pdf]
* [ 1983 san luis potesi.pdf]
* [ 1984 lab for liberal learning.pdf]
* [ 1984 to mathews computers kettering.pdf]
* [ 1985 naciamiento educacion.pdf]
* [ 1986 emerging technology.pdf]
* [ 1986 future directions.pdf]
* [ 1986 into the starting gate.pdf]
* [ 1986 peabody proposal.pdf]
* [ 1986 sobre la informatica y el curriculo.pdf]
* [ 1986 spanish starting gate.pdf]
* [ 1986 starting gate mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 1986 the stimmir.pdf]
* [ 1987 beyond book education.pdf]
* [ 1987 maxwells demon v2 1.pdf]
* [ 1988 civic agenda logotechnics.pdf]
* [ 1988 computing education 2nd frontier.pdf]
* [ 1988 creativity and visualization.pdf]
* [ 1988 empower ed advisor.pdf]
* [ 1988 jhm proposal.pdf]
* [ 1988 misperceiving media.pdf]
* [ 1988 second frontier.pdf]
* [ 1989 historica curricular tools.pdf]
* [ 1989 ibm acis proposal.pdf]
* [ 1989 kant in culture factory.pdf]
* [ 1989 new paradigm curriculum dev.pdf]
* [ 1989 possibilities and initiatives.pdf]
* [ 1989 social sciences proposal.pdf]
* [ 1990 looking where the answers are.pdf]
* [ 1990 the cumulative curriculum.pdf]
* [ 1991 cumulative curriculul proposal.pdf]
* [ 1991 cumulative curriculum acorn.pdf]
* [ 1991 cumulative curriculum.pdf]
* [ 1991 the cumulative curriculum project.pdf]
* [ 1992 dalton risk renewal y1 full.pdf]
* [ 1992 dalton risk renewal y1 summaries.pdf]
* [ 1992 ilt flyer.pdf]
* [ 1992 power and pedagogy.pdf]
* [ 1993 1993 communicacion tenologia .pdf]
* [ 1993 classroom computers win.pdf]
* [ 1993 dalton educational culture y2 v1.pdf]
* [ 1993 dalton educational culture y2 v2.pdf]
* [ 1993 ilt funding possibilites.pdf]
* [ 1993 multimedia in education.pdf]
* [ 1993 new wine chou et al.pdf]
* [ 1993 proposal for archaeotype 3 0.pdf]
* [ 1994 advanced media education.pdf]
* [ 1994 dalton escuela del futuro sancho gil.pdf]
* [ 1994 design evaluation dissemination.pdf]
* [ 1994 note on media effects.pdf]
* [ 1994 study design proposal.pdf]
* [ 1995 icon black and mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 1995 icon notes mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 1995? problem of leverage.pdf]
* [ 1995 to comitas pss reconfguration.pdf]
* [ 1996 commemorating martin dworkin.pdf]
* [ 1996 renewing progressive contract.pdf]
* [ 1996 the eiffel project.pdf]
* [ 1996 wiring jude the obscure.pdf]
* [ 1997 american ict in education.pdf]
* [ 1997 educating for 21st century.pdf]
* [ 1998 ccnmtl proposal.pdf]
* [ 1998 ict future in education.pdf]
* [ 1998 next generation chang et al.pdf]
* [ 1998 nme at cu.pdf]
* [ 1998 the study place prospectus.pdf]
* [ 1999 ccte program guide.pdf]
* [ 1999 ed tech ped problem v1.pdf]
* [ 1999 ed tech ped problem v2.pdf]
* [ 1999 ilt strategic plan.pdf]
* [ 1999 the educators manifest.pdf]
* [ 2000 cities youth technology.pdf]
* [ 2000 internet and education.pdf]
* [ 2000 smart cities bilbao.pdf]
* [ 2000 smart cities new york full.pdf]
* [ 2000 smart cities new york summary.pdf]
* [ 2000 university and school.pdf]
* [ 2001 experience and innovation.pdf]
* [ 2001 relevance and scale.pdf]
* [ 2002 city golbal.pdf]
* [ 2002 ciutat global.pdf]
* [ 2002 education and networks.pdf]
* [ 2002 new media new democracy.pdf]
* [ 2002 social history media history.pdf]
* [ 2003 kant and study design mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 2003 on graduate study.pdf]
* [ 2003 possibilities problems proposal.pdf]
* [ 2003 role of scholarship mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 2003 statement of scholarly plans.pdf]
* [ 2003 to levine phd review.pdf]
* [ 2004 eliteracy city civics.pdf]
* [ 2004 formative justice query to spencer.pdf]
* [ 2005 homeless intellect.pdf]
* [ 2005 on writing.pdf]
* [ 2005 review trouble ed schools.pdf]
* [ 2006 fragment questions in the study of education.pdf]
* [ 2007 educational research mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 2007 letter on scholarly aspirations.pdf]
* [ 2007 my annual report on professional activities.pdf]
* [}defining_education_cremin_seminar.pdf 2007 notes on (not)defining education cremin seminar.pdf]
* [ 2007 on (not)defining education v1.pdf]
* [ 2007 on (not)defining education v2.pdf]
* [ínculo_progresista.pdf 2007 vínculo progresista.pdf]
* [ 2009 on (not)defining education v3.pdf]
* [ 2010 transcript interview 09 17 2010.pdf]
* [ 2011 a valediction.pdf]
* [ 2011 flaneurs of the fields.pdf]
* [ 2012 enough mcclintock.pdf]
* [ 2012 glossary of concepts.pdf]
* [ 2012 glossary of concepts.txt]
* [ 2012 on enough talk at kettering foundation.pdf]
* [ 2012 possibility not prediction.pdf]
* [ 2013 clueless 1 power speak public schooling.pdf]
* [ 2013 clueless 2 school failure state of exception.pdf]
* [ 2013 clueless 3 on education as social action.pdf]
* [ 2013 clueless 4 what is a good education.pdf]
* [ 2013 house of intellect.pdf]
* [ 2013 on (not)defining education v4.pdf]
* [ 2014 house of intellect.pdf]
* [ 2015 note circa 2014 2015.pdf]
* [ 2015 owls of minerva.pdf]
* [ 2015 pedagogy of cultural despair.pdf]
* [ 2015 what how why reflections.pdf]
* [ 2016 clearning my throat.pdf]
* [ 2016 formative justice the regulative principle.pdf]
* [ 2016 reading ben barber.pdf]
* [ 2017 dewey in his skivvies online.pdf]
* [ 2017 buck naked not abashed.pdf]
* [ 2017 formative justice with annotations.pdf]
* [ 2017 to ben barber.pdf]
* [ 1018 kant in the culture factory new draft.pdf]
* [ 2018 lets put liberal learning into action.pdf]
* [ 2018 note on cumulative curriculum project.pdf]
* [ 2018 on the free will that the free will wills.pdf]
* [ 2019 dewey in his skivvies fat.pdf]
* [ 2019 formative justice paperback.pdf]
* [ 2024 finish up strong.pdf]
* [ 2024 my chronology.ods]

Latest revision as of 16:04, 21 January 2025

On the digital campus


I'm Robbie McClintock, a retired professor working to further the digital campus, an important emergent transformation in higher education. Perceiving dispersed parts of it, we form many partial views, diffusing its importance and novelty. Let's seek clarity about what the digital campus does, how it works, who it serves, where it flourishes, and why it is important.

As an emerging actuality, the digital campus has many instances, each a large, historical undertaking taking place through continuous metamorphosis. It has no mastermind, no genial inventor; the digital campus appears as an encompassing infrastructure within which the character, spectrum, and limit of a person's educational agency takes place. I want to help make more fully evident the change in pedagogical possibility arising through the digital campus.

Many different participant-observers will contribute distinctive interpretations of these emerging developments. My personal experience and developed intellectual skills enable me to illuminate the advent of the digital campus, attuned to the historical implications of it for educational experience. I believe these historical implications are important and want to further their development in theory and practice as fully as I can.

I was born in 1939 in New York City. In retrospect, much of life seems to have moved quickly. Through childhood and youth, I shuffled for periods, long and short, back and forth, between a small farm in eastern Pennsylvania and the Upper East Side of New York City, throughout benefiting from formal education in elite schools—Buckley, Deerfield, Princeton (BA '61), and Columbia (PhD '68). I came of age came fast, as well, owing to a job market then so different from now. In 1965, I became an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins, and in 1967, I joined the faculty at Columbia. Then I completed my PhD in 1968.

Substantively, by the start of my 30s, I had published extensively and launched a budding career as a public intellectual. I had read my way through Princeton, sparked by the work of the Spanish thinker, José Ortega y Gasset, an interest that developed into my dissertation and then into a large, well-received first book, Man and His Circumstances: Ortega as Educator, published in 1971. I interpreted Ortega as a many-sided educator, first aiming at the renovation of Spanish public life and then seeking Jacques Barzun, co-sponsor of the dissertation, observed that the work had a prophetic tone, not as a criticism to be corrected but as a caution to be wary for the vision in it would not come easily.with Lawrence engaged in the free-wheeling study of political and educational thinking from Rousseau forward and an exploration of how modes of communication and material life affected personal and collective self-formation.